Dove Recovery House for Women

Dove House is the largest transitional housing and recovery program for women in Marion County and is certified as a Level IV Recovery Residence through Indiana Alliance for Recovery Residences. Dove House serves 40 women each night and more than 80 women

Giving Recovery A Chance Everyday, LLC (GRACE House)

To empower and equip those who struggle with substance use disorder to become productive and contributing members to the community

Stability First's Magdalene House

Christ-centered DMHA Certified Level 3 Recovery Residence

Stagz Transitional Housing

Stagz mission states that each woman be given the opportunity to experience a life free of drugs and alcohol. For each woman to look proudly at the woman she sees reflecting back in the mirror.

Talitha Koum Women's Recovery House

Talitha koum is a 9 bed womens recovery house . We are a 6 month program and the ladies can stay up to a year or 2 .

The BreakAway Recovery

The BreakAway is a 16 bed womens residential program. Our mission is to empower women, confront addiction and celebrate recovery.

The City of Refuge Christian Church Emma House

Our mission is to provide love, supportive services and encouragement in a safe and stable environment to single homeless women in a recovery program. To equip them with tools to enhance their quality of life and make substantive impacts to the community.

Whole Family Community Initiative/House of Ruth

House of Ruth is an eighteen month recovery program for women eighteen years and older. The House of Ruth offers transitional living where women can have their children live with them at a certain phase of the program.

Women In Transition

To provide a drug & alcohol free community that allows women to establish a 12-step foundation to ensure continuing sobriety.